How Quattro Capital uses Lobby CRE to simplify property reports and financials, weekly analysis, and monthly investor reporting.
Learn how Quattro Capital identified a need for asset management technology to manage their growing portfolio.
In this Case Study,
you'll learn:
✓ How using solutions unfit for asset management impacted the firm’s productivity and data accuracy
✓ How Quattro Capital uses Lobby CRE’s pre-built KPI dashboards to scale reporting from 4 hours per property to just a few minutes
Additional Resources
Evaluating Portfolio Management Software for CRE
Learn how to evaluate and choose a software provider that will be able to effectively address your industry-specific applications.
How One Firm Uses Lobby CRE With Their PMS for Actionable Data
Learn how MoreSpace uses Lobby CRE’s dashboards to access, track, and update their data to gain actionable insights.
Changing Dynamics in CRE Management
Learn why forward-thinking CRE professionals are turning to new methods to navigate property and portfolio risks and opportunities.